Welcome to Pluskim
  • Operate in accordance with our sustainability strategy.
  • Conduct ourselves according to our ethical principles when interacting with our business partners
  • Prioritize occupational health and safety in all production activities.
  • Keep our customers at the center of all our processes, protect their rights, and add value to them.
  • Stay dynamic by developing new investments, ideas, projects, and products.
  • Add value to our employees and create a vision by providing new career opportunities.
  • Establish transparent, open, and trust-based communication.
  • Emphasize entrepreneurship and support openness to new ideas and change.
  • Raise awareness of environmental and social responsibility in our company.
  • Be well-intentioned, honest, and impartial.
  • Be conscious of and fulfill our social responsibilities.
Years of Experience
Product Portfolio
+More Detailed
+More Detailed

We prioritize quality at Pluskim, implementing stringent quality controls throughout our production processes and ensuring that all our products adhere to international standards.

+ Stronger
+ Stronger

At Pluskim, one of our strengths is understanding our customers' needs and providing customized solutions.

+More Capacity
+More Capacity

Pluskim's high capacity grants us a competitive edge by enabling us to deliver fast and uninterrupted supply chain services to our customers.

Pluskim Examine the Sectors It Works!
Check Out Featured Products!
R&D and Quality
Pluskim R&D laboratory and quality control department aimed to "produce quality" by examining and developing all physical and chemical details.

The laboratory is a reliable and innovative system house in its location with its analysis devices and physical test equipment.
Product Development
Product Development
Application Development
Application Development
Reducing Environmental Impacts
Reducing Environmental Impacts
New Technologies
New Technologies
More Detailer
More Detailer
More Flex
More Flex
More Strong
More Strong
More Environmentally Friendly
More Environmentally Friendly
Media Center
We think for good, we research for good, we develop for good, we work for good, we produce for good, we care about good.
Media Center
Latest news
Pluskim at Aysaf Shoes and sub-industry fair
Pluskim at Aysaf Shoes and sub-industry fair
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We are at Putech Eurasia 2023 Exhibition.
We are at Putech Eurasia 2023 Exhibition.
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We are at Simac Tanning Tech 2023 Exhibition.
We are at Simac Tanning Tech 2023 Exhibition.
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We are at the 2023 Dubai UTECH Middle East Foam and Polyurethane Expo.
We are at the 2023 Dubai UTECH Middle East Foam and Polyurethane Expo.
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Investment Made for the Refrigerator and Panel Sector in 2023
Investment Made for the Refrigerator and Panel Sector in 2023
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Pluskim at the ITU Career Summit, the future is in their hands.
Pluskim at the ITU Career Summit, the future is in their hands.
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